GO Again (overdub Remix) / 歌手:FotMe 歌词下载

GO Again (overdub Remix) / 歌手:FotMe 歌词下载GO Again (overdub Remix) / 歌手:FotMe 歌词下载

GO Again (overdub Remix) / 歌手:FotMe 歌词下载
Fot Me – GO Again (overdub Remix)
Lyrics by:Alexander Svensson、Arvid Nilsson
Composed by:Alexander Svensson、Arvid Nilsson
Rising up like the phoenixes
I’m tired of push down to grounds
Speaking my heart like it really is
‘Cause I can’t take another no
I see I like I go I get
No one can hold me back
I see I like I go again go again
Go again go again now
Go again go again go again now
I got my lows I got my highs
Moving on close to my goal
Time is now place is here to rise
Filling the holes of my soul
I see I like I go I get
No one can hold me back
I see I like I go again
Go again go again go again now
Go again go again go again now
Rising up like the phoenixes
Speaking my heart like it really is
I see I like I go again
Go again
No one can hold me back
I see I like I go again
Go again go again go again now
I see I like I go again
Go again go again go again now
Go again go again go again now
I see I like I go again
No one can hold me back
I see I like I go again
Go again go again go again now


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